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Packaged Geothermal Heat Pumps

Our packaged geothermal heat pumps put energy savings and deluxe comfort all in one cabinet. These systems take advantage of the natural heating energy of the Earth and add the extra-quiet, consistent comfort of variable-speed or multi-speed operation. They provide heating and cooling solutions you can really get comfortable with.

Treat your family to extra-quiet, consistent comfort while treating yourself to maximum savings
High Efficiency
Product Badge 5 Yr No Hassle
Parts Warranty
QuietComfort® Variable Speed Geothermal Heat Pump HP,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1584453741/icp/tempstar/products/geothermal/geothermal-hp-unit-grid.png Packaged Forced Air System 3.5 to 4.0 COP Heating Efficiency (closed loop) 4.0 to 4.6 COP Heating Efficiency (open loop) 15.5 to 24.5 EER Cooling Efficiency (closed loop) 19.6 to 30.0 EER Cooling Efficiency (open loop)
For quiet comfort fine-tuned to your home, this is the complete geothermal package
High Efficiency
Parts Warranty
Performance Multi-Speed Geothermal Heat Pump HB,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1584453741/icp/tempstar/products/geothermal/geothermal-hp-unit-grid.png Packaged Forced Air System 3.7 to 4.3 COP Heating Efficiency (closed loop) 4.3 to 5.2 COP Heating Efficiency (open loop) 18.5 to 21.7 EER Cooling Efficiency (closed loop) 22.7 to 28.1 EER Cooling Efficiency (open loop)
For quiet comfort fine-tuned to your home, this is the complete geothermal package
High Efficiency
Parts Warranty
Performance Multi-Speed Geothermal Heat Pump HBR,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1732119734/icp/airquest/products/geo-HBR-Airquest.png Packaged Forced Air System 3.7 to 4.3 COP Heating Efficiency (closed loop) 4.3 to 5.2 COP Heating Efficiency (open loop) 18.5 to 21.7 EER Cooling Efficiency (closed loop) 22.7 to 28.1 EER Cooling Efficiency (open loop)
Treat your family to extra-quiet, consistent comfort while treating yourself to maximum savings
High Efficiency
No Hassle Warranty
Parts Warranty
QuietComfort® Variable Speed Geothermal Heat Pump HCR,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1584453741/icp/tempstar/products/geothermal/geothermal-hp-unit-grid.png Packaged Forced Air System Up to 4.4 COP Up to 5.2 COP Up to 27.0 EER Up to 37.0 EER
Split Systems

With the heat pump on the outside and a matched indoor unit like a furnace or fan coil, our split system geothermal heat pumps deliver superior efficiency and comfort. When paired with a gas or propane furnace, this system selects the most efficient heating source for current conditions for even greater savings.

Enjoy comfort, flexibiilty and potential dual-fuel savings with our split-system geothermal heat pump
Product Badge 5 Yr No Hassle
Parts Warranty
QuietComfort® Split System Geothermal Heat Pump HS,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1736356744/icp/airquest/products/geothermal/HS/geo_HSR_Airquest.png Split System 3.3 to 4.6 COP Heating Efficiency (closed loop) 3.8 to 5.2 COP Heating Efficiency (open loop) 14.8 to 28.8 EER Cooling Efficiency (closed loop) 19.2 to 29.1 EER Cooling Efficiency (open loop)
Enjoy comfort, flexibiilty and potential dual-fuel savings with our split-system geothermal heat pump
Product Badge 5 Yr No Hassle
Parts Warranty
QuietComfort® Split System Geothermal Heat Pump HS****R,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1736356744/icp/airquest/products/geothermal/HS/geo_HSR_Airquest.png Split System Up to 4.6 COP Up to 5.0 COP Up to 25.1 EER Up to 29.0 EER
Hydronic Use Heat Pump

Our hydronic geothermal heat pump combines superior geothermal efficiency with the consistent comfort of hydronic heating and cooling. This system can save even more when you add the option to generate hot water for your home.

Hydronic meets geothermal for the ultimate combination of comfort and savings
High Efficiency
Product Badge 5 Yr No Hassle
Parts Warranty
QuietComfort® 15 Hydronic-Use Geothermal Heat Pump HW,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1602880542/icp/tempstar/products/geothermal/HW-geothermal-Tempstar.png Split System 3.0 to 3.2 COP 3.4 to 3.8 COP 14.6 to 22.1 EER 18.8 to 25.7 EER
Hydronic meets geothermal for the ultimate combination of comfort and savings
Product Badge 5 Yr No Hassle
Communicating Capability
High Efficiency
QuietComfort® Hydronic-Use Geothermal Heat Pump HW****R,c_lfill,dpr_1.5,q_auto,f_auto/v1737034288/icp/airquest/products/geothermal/HW/geo_HWR_Airquest.png Radiant (Hydronic) Systems Up to 3.5 COP Up to 4.4 COP Up to 22.6 EER Up to 25.3 EER
System Type
Heating Efficiency (closed loop)
Heating Efficiency (open loop)
Cooling Efficiency (closed loop)
Cooling Efficiency (open loop)
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